The Art of Poetry No. 45 Issue no. 126 Spring 1993 On the Sexual Revolution: “ . . . some very plausible stuff is being written by women in a way that most men are not doing . . . ”
Two Poems Issue no. 124 Fall 1992 The way it came spinning onto the lawn—the elm trees’ chaffy currency, each piecewith a spot of seed at the center; the katydid-
Dorothy and William at Rydal Mount Issue no. 100 Summer-Fall 1986 “Now, I must tell you of our grandeur,”she’d written. “We are going to havea Turkey!!! carpet in the dining room . . .
Grasmere Issue no. 91 Spring 1984 Rainstorms that blacken like a headachewhere mosses thicken, and the morningssmell of jonquils, the stillness